Sunday, March 22, 2009

SA Bike Show 2009

Bill and I enjoyed a beautiful sunny day at the San Antonio Bike Show held at the Freeman Coliseum yesterday. I haven't been able to ride much due to back/leg pain, but the trip across town allows us a little riding time without having to deal with the consequences of "long trip pain." There were some really good dare devil riders and I tried to get a couple of pictures, but they didn't turn out very well, so no pictures to post. The bike show is a yearly event, and one that we attended last year too. I expect it will be a yearly event for us too.

It was noticeable to both of us that the vendors were fewer this year than last, more proof that the poor economy is affecting all of us. I did get a pair of riding gloves that are sooo cute! That's a requirement for riding gloves right?! I've looked for over a year for gloves that would fit me correctly and had given up finding cute and a good fit, but was finally able to find both.

Also got a great deal on a cool Stainless Mug that has a cowboy embem and Wild Bill printed on it that was refillable all day with Wild Bill Soda...rootbeer, grape, orange, sarsparilla, birch beer, vanilla cream and Diet rootbeer which were all delicious.

Also found a vendor who makes her own jewelry and is very unique...lots of intense colors and most using wood and string.

Afterwards, we met a group of friends at Martha's, a mexican restaurant where we all gather every Saturday night to talk about the week just past and what's coming up. Lot's of fun and laughter! Last night Abbie showed us her first prom beautiful. Can't wait to see her in it in person!