Thursday, January 28, 2010

We have a new Granddaughter!!

Chesleigh Abigail King
born January 5, 2010
8# 4 oz - 19 1/4 inches
Parents are Carl and Crysta
Proud big brother is Camden giving his baby sister her first kiss.
Having a daughter came as a huge surprise to Carl and Crystal as they "did it the old fashioned way" and didn't find out the sex of their baby until she was born.  The look of awe on Carl's face when he came out of the delivery room pushing her little bassinette to the nursery was priceless!!  Crystal's Mom and I both squealed in delight so loudly that Crystal heard us in the OR.  Chesleigh was born by c-section and put her mark on the world feet first!  Hmmm...already doing things her own way!  
Their little family settled right in with Camden anxious to read his baby sister a story.  I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of that in the days to come.  He will have lots of things to teach her.

I can't go without posting some pictures of the proud Grandparents and Uncle Zeke with Chesleigh.  Enjoy!!