Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Blessed Life

What a blessed life we live!! God has shown himself to us in so many ways...really all of our life together, but especially this past couple of years as we have struggled with moving. My moving to SA was a great decision, and I don't regret it for even a second...God meant for Bill and I to be together heart, mind and body and we have really reveled in our time living together again. Of course we miss our children (we count our daughter's-in-law as children), and our grandchildren...I could really obsess about how much I miss them, but God has assured me they are in great care in the arms of their parents...my children are AWESOME parents!! And the ones who aren't parents are AWESOME uncles!! Wow...who would have thought that my children linked with God could do all of this without me?!? I say that very tongue-in-cheek because no one knows better than I what a control freak I can be...and another blessing is revealed...when I give in and allow God to control, it all turns out much better. [and I don't cry all the time]

Tonight in place of our regular Wednesday night Bible Study, we had "Praise and Pie Night" so we could all come together and pray for each other and our families who will be traveling over the holiday weekend!! Doesn't it sound great?? I mean you have Praise (which is always great), and PIE...what more can I say?! And let me tell you...there are some bakers down here! Bill and I work with the Fellowship Committee, which consists mostly of retired couples, and we love each and every one of them! They treat us like their own kids, love on us, joke with us and have really made us feel at home here. We just absolutely love this Church and love being a part of it...you can feel God's love, guidance and presence.

We will be leaving tomorrow night on our drive to Searcy to join our son Levi, daughter-in-law Laura, grandson Gavin and brand new granddaughter Carrigan for a Thanksgiving Feast at Laura's mother's home along with Laura's sister and niece and our son Andy. We can't wait to see them, hug, visit, laugh and make memories! What a blessed life!!

Our other children, Cliff and his son William, Carl, his wife Crystal and son Camden, and Zeke will be eating with some of my brothers and their families and my Dad and Judy. We will miss them, but they will be surrounded with good old fashioned family-love and making memories too.

Praying that all of you have a safe, joyful and memorable Thanksgiving.


Crystal_King said...

You should be a writer you know that? What a beautiful post I just read. You know that we miss you and Bill greatly and as much as we wish you were here with us always, we know you're happy being together and your life getting settled in Texas. I hope you enjoy your time in Searcy. I wish we could be with you but we'll be thinking of you. Give those sweet babies kissed from their Auntie Crystal. I know you will!

I'm really enjoying time with my other two nieces. They are very much IN LOVE with Camden. It's a beautiful thing to watch seeing my sisters children and now mine play together. God truly is great to us all. Have a safe trip and we love you.

Laura Carson said...

Drive Safely and we will be watching the window for you to pull up tomorrow!