Friday, November 14, 2008

Halloween munchkins

I have such good memories of Trick or Treat back in the "old days", when you could go from door to door for hours and would get home made treats from all of your neighbors and not be afraid to eat them!! We lived in the country, so we would walk for miles (ok, I know I really sound old now), and would drag our bounty back home, sort it, trade for our favorites, and then HIDE IT to make sure the older boys didn't make off with any of it! Our neighbor, Melba Carmichael, used to make popcorn balls every year and invite us inside her house for hot cocoa, a sampling of the popcorn and send us off with at least one popcorn ball in our bag. Such fun times!

I received pictures of each of my grandchildren in their halloween costumes, and you just have to see how adorable they are!!

William as "Rock Man"Gavin the "Dinosaur"
Carrigan the "Friendly Ghost"
Camden the "Horse"

Who wouldn't want these little goblins to knock on their door?!?

1 comment:

Crystal_King said...

Too cute! Doesn't is just seem surreal that you have 4 beautiful grandchildren??!!! FOUR!! I know within the last year you've gained 3 grandchildren it's hard to believe when I see you put all their pictures together! We're so blessed to have such beautiful children aren't we? You've got one good looking family! Love you!