Saturday, January 3, 2009

Locks of Love

For years I have wanted to grow my hair long enough to donate it to Locks of Love the organization that makes wigs and hair pieces for those who are fighting cancer or other illnesses with treatments that cause hair loss. Many of you know that a year ago, my sister, Debra, was diagnosed with breast resolve became even stronger to do this one small thing. I already had grown my hair longer than I'd had it in many years, so I was sure this time I could hold out cutting it until it was the required length.

My daughter-in-law Crystal is a hair stylist, and graciously offers to do her magic whenever we are together to make my tresses look great. This time, she measured, and I had enough length to fulfill the donation requirements!
She cut just above the bands...10 inches!!
Thank you Crystal!!
These go in your name my beautiful survivor Sister!!

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