Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Zeke!!

Our youngest son turns 20 today!! So hard to believe that so many years have passed since we first held him in our arms and fell in love.

One thing I've not gotten used to is not being with my children on their birthdays. I now recognize some of the mist in my mother's eyes when one of my siblings who had left home either for the military, marriage, or just moved away, had a birthday that she didn't get to share in person.

I begin the day before their actual birthday remembering the moment I realized I was in labor and that within a few hours I would have another little bundle of love in my arms. Then in the morning, before my feet touch the floor, the flood of feelings and thoughts rushes into my head and heart that I experienced the day of his birth. The sound of his cry when air first reaches his lungs, the first glimpse of his sweet face, the weight of him in my arms, choosing and saying his name over and over and telling him that I'm his mommy, knowing God has entrusted me with this miracle to raise and give back to Him.

Then come all of the years that are filled with laughter, tears, boo-boos, accomplishments, huge steps forward and a few back... Years that can only be explained as some of the happiest in my life!! Watching them form bonds with their brothers and all of the antics that come with 5 brothers growing up in the same house!! One of them was always thinking of something to do to make sure it was never boring.

Pictures of my "baby" Zeke:

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