Monday, April 6, 2009

"Oh my aching back!"

When my dad used to say that, it usually meant someone was in big trouble!! This phrase would sometimes follow some big elaborate explanation one of my siblings would give for why they did something...well...dangerous, mean, destructive or just plain stupid. Still makes me smile since it was almost never said to me O;)

Alas, the saga with my back pain continues, but has taken a positive step towards relief. I went to a new clinic where they took a bunch of x-rays and made the diagnosis of spondolythesis which mean one vertebrae has slipped forward in relation to the my case L4. This can cause great pain in the lower back, hips, down the legs, around the knees and down and around the ankles. Also numbness in the legs and weakness in the knees. I have been having all of these symptoms for several months. (Sometimes when I sneeze, I have to hold on to something, or I will fall on the floor because of intense pain in my lower back and "giving-way" in my knees. My course of treatment is spinal decompression, 4 treatments per week for 5 weeks, laser, sonar and physical therapy and wearing a back brace for several weeks.

After just 4 treatments, I have already had some very good results and reduction in pain. I am so excited about the improvement and can hardly believe it! I'm also able to sleep through the night pain-free!! Please pray for continued good results throughout the rest of the treatments and therapies.

I'm looking forward to being able to go back to every day activities, and most of all to be able to enjoy holding, snuggling and carrying my grandbabies without pain!! God is good!!

1 comment:

Laura Carson said...

I am so happy that you have found relief from the pain! You would never know you were going through all this when being around you. I certainly hope this was your last visit you ever have to worry about not holding your grandbabies for fear of pain.

I have imagined the day we can ring your doorbell for a surprise visit. I saw a place on Diners Drive-ins and Dives tonight that we've got to go to when we visit! And we WILL visit some day! Hopefully sooner than later!

I hope you and Bill had a wonderful Easter.

Hugs from the 4 of us.