Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Physical Therapy

I had a CAT scan a couple of weeks ago, and the doctor called to tell me he didn't see anything real bad, just degenerative problems that come with age...gee, just what I love on a Tuesday evening, my doctor calling to tell me I'm getting old! Thanks.

He prescribed physical therapy and my first appt. was last Friday. Well, according to the report, I do have a bulging disc (why do I always have something bulging!?) and some other stuff that basically means my spine isn't doing the "S" curve the way it should. Also have some problems with "unstable sacrum", so I get to wear this really cool belt low around my hips to hold me together!! Won't that be attractive...maybe I'll practice my "come hither" look.

Meanwhile, the pain is still excruciating, I can't tell that the therapy is helping at all (I'm going 3 times a week), I have to sit in a reclining position, no lifting and no bending over...I'm in pain, cranky and NO I'm not posting any pictures!!

Prayers please? For Bill at least.


Laura Carson said...

I had no idea you were going through all this. You will be in our prayers and hopefully this will all be a thing of the past soon.
It sounds like knitting is a perfect hobby right now.
.... And don't you know if you blog you have to post any and all pictures, embarrassing or not?? jk!

sheila said...

well miss laura...I will def. be praying for you. I meant to tell you yesterday and then tonight and just never made it over to talk to you.
I love your knitting! That cape is absolutely beautiful! And William's sweater is adorable...you have a wonderful talent!