Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It's raining!!

It rained for a few hours today...I just wanted to stand out in it with my arms up and praise God! The air is cooler and smells like it's been washed clean. I drove Bill to the Men's prayer lunch at church (he's on 2nd shift), and ran some errands. He really enjoys the fellowship with the guys and gets to go once a month when he is on 2nd.
I also went looking for knitting supplies...the first shop was closed, and the second didn't have any lights. Usually the lights wouldn't have been such a problem because there are windows on 3 sides of the store, but since it was cloudy and raining, it was very hard to see. They were passing out flashlights and everyone was making the best of it. It's a fun little place. I will post some pictures of knitting projects soon...wonder what color I should use to make something for that new grandbaby that's coming in October??

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