Tuesday, August 5, 2008

OK, here we go...

This may be rough, but I want to get started and then will try to get the rest of the bugs out later. I am so excited to be able to let you all know what we are up to here in Texas. Some of it might be pretty boring, but I love the idea of sharing our new friends and experiences with all of my family and friends. Thank you Laura and Levi for pushing us over the edge and into blogging. When you said you wanted Gavin to be able to see us and hear from us on a daily basis, it really made me think. That is exactly what I love about your blog and Carl & Crystal's blog, is that I can look at my grandchildren every day and watch them grow.
I have had somewhat of a somber day today as a very good friend of mine died. JoAnn Davis was a true friend and blessed my life in so many ways. Our Lord has welcomed her in Heaven as have my Mom and so many other brothers and sisters of Christ.
I will miss her presence on this earth, but I rejoice as she walks with God.
We had a great visit last week from Zeke, Sadie and William. I will write more about it at a later time, and hopefully have some pictures to post. William was actually here for 2 weeks!! He was very homesick for Daddy by the time he went home, but we did have lots of fun together. He, Zeke, Sadie and I all went to Sea World twice, and on the first visit, my cell phone drowned in the wave pool. I haven't replaced it yet, but hope to this weekend.
Check back soon, I'll try to update with more of their visit soon!

1 comment:

Debra said...

Holy Smokes! You're FIFTY??!! You sure don't look like it! (or act like it). :)